Oslo Kristi Forsamling - Norway

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Oslo Kristi Forsamling
Austliveien 4, 0751, Oslo, Norway
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I am an ex member of this church.Therefore you may consider this review as biased.I was expelled from this church because I purchased sexual services from Thai prostitutes between the years 2004 and 2008.I found it difficult to be open about my sin and was subsequently very secretive about it.

I was told that one or more members of the church spotted me entering a thai massage parlour in the centre of the town.He or they made a telephone call to my brother about this expressing worry and concern.My brother contacted the person who rented a room in my house at the time, another member of the church.

The church leader advised me that if I continue this practice of visiting prostitutes, I will be asked to leave the church.The reason for this is to protect the integrity of the church.Another reason is that making friends with members who indulge in this type of immorality is hypocrisy.

After having talked with the leader about my problem,my tenant did not like what I was doing either.In spite of receiving warnings, I visitd the thai girls again. My lodger brought this fact to the church leaders gain. This was one year later in 2009.I was given a final warning that next time will lead to a church exclusion.

It was at this point that I made every attempt to repent from this sin.However,after the annual discipleship conference at Eckerø in 2009,I was informed by of my suspension from the church by the leaders of the church.

The leaders of the Nordic ICOC Churches found that it was appropriate to enforce a six month suspension on me due to the seiousness of my sin.I would not have any contact with my friends in the church during this period. The other church members were not allowed to have any contact with me.

If the other church members disobeyed this ruling, a marking process would be enforced resulting in church exclusions for them too.

It is of vital importance that new members and even guests know these rules against sexual immorality before even joining Oslo Kristi Forsamling.

Oslo Kristi Forsamling has a great deal to offer those who have a desire to seek God through having the Bible as a daily book.However this church has strict rules and those defile God will be excluded and marked.If one breaks the sexual immorality code, the leders exercise their rights to contact a member's siblings and /or parents without the consent of the church member

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